Monday, December 10, 2012

Happy Howlidays from Boomer!

Hope Santa Paws is good to y'all this year!

Keep on READing over the holidays and we'll
READ with you again in mid-January.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A new title for Boomer's library

Charlie the Ranch Dog by Ree Drummond
Hi kids!

My mommy picked up this picture book at the bookstore last week.  She said it's a really good book, but of course Charlie - while cute - wasn't as cute as me (whew!).  I can't wait for one of you to READ it to me.

Yes, in case you were wondering, most of the books in my library are about dogs.  I have a few about cats, cheetahs, hamsters and some crazy pigeon who thinks he can drive a bus.

I'd like to thank my new friends Kaylee and Elizabeth (and their mommy) for rescheduling this week's READ session.  My mommy was asked to change her Open House night from Thursday to tonight and she couldn't READ with me and get to her job on time.   I really do like my cookies, so I am thankful my mommy has a job, even though I'd much rather she stay home with me!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Yes, we are still

A quick note from Boomer's Mom -

Frequent READers with the Cobb County Public Library dogs may have noticed a change in our (the handlers') shirts over the past few weeks.  Several teams decided to join CAREing Paws, which still a part of the Reading Education Assistance Dogs program sponsored by Intermountain Therapy Animals.  We wanted to work with a group based closer to home (Newnan instead of Central Florida) and have the opportunity to do more animal assisted therapy work.  Boomer and I had been visting my grandmother's nursing home in Monroe on a semi-regular basis, but will now be able to go with other teams for support and training in our local community.

Boomer and I still R.E.A.D. at the Kemp Memorial Library in Marietta across from Due West Methodist Church.  We are there the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 4-5 p.m.

In case you missed us in August, we took the month of August off from our READing activities so I could concentrate on getting the new school year underway at my local elementary school.  We look forward to READing with our friends again in early September.

Kind regards,
Teresa Kent
(Boomer's Mom)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Meet Boomer

Woof Woof Woof!!

Hi kids! My name is Boomer. My mommy adopted me from a local rescue group 2-1/2 years ago. I’m about 5 years old and a Canine Good Citizen.
My humans tell me I’m best described as a dog whose parts don’t quite all fit together. Some kids tell me I look like Benji. The vet’s best guess is that I’m part wheaten terrier and some sort of herding dog. This means I love to cuddle and round up things.
I’m named after the dog, Boomer, in the children’s picture books by Constance McGeorge. My mommy also claims I go “boom boom boom” when I come down the stairs. How can this be? I only weigh 27 pounds!
Anyway, a few of my favorite things include my couch, squeaky toys and car rides. I also love people - especially kids. My mommy works as a school librarian, so of course I like to R.E.A.D.
Reading, petting and kids? What more could a dog want – besides Chick-Fil-A chicken nuggets?
You can email me at and I (well, actually my mommy) will write you back.

Pawfully yours,